TITAN Property Platinum Winner


Whisky World

Entrant Company

Rupert Design


Interior Design - Restaurants & Bars

Client's Name

Whisky World

Country / Region


Designer hopes that through the subtle chemical reaction between canyon wandering concept and whiskey, the rhythm of canyon and the long history of whiskey can naturally fuse. The strong visual impact brought by the fusion convey the liveliness of brand.
When the form of "ripples" fluctuates, which is also like imagining various whiskey in the glass, superimposed on the brand logo, it becomes the inspiration for the designer to transform the whole concept into real space. As the visual opening of the space, it makes people stay and want to explore, and is the unique scenery of the whole space.
The metal-shaped arched tunnel and the intersection of curves form an independent space symmetric in top and bottom. People looking into the canyon "world", in a trance, it seems to really fall into the time tunnel. The setting of a whole whiskey display wall also adds fun to the travel experience. With the light and mosaic material subtle reaction, it is like being in a wonderful time tunnel, adds more mystery and sense of contrast to interior.
Time and space change iteratively after the arched space. Abandoning complicated colors and superfluous decorations, the lobby space refers to the cascading rhythm of the canyon world, and the design finally presents the visual impact of the canyon, driving people to resonate with the canyon in a slightly drunken state under the lighting. Whole atmosphere with alcohol eliminates people's fatigue and indulges in the taste of whiskey or the interaction with friends.


Lead Designer/Rupert Design
LIN Rupert
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