TITAN Worldwide

From blogs, news, to even social platforms, we want to acknowledge property and real estate professionals who offer their time to introduce and endorse the TITAN Property Awards to the world. Where we celebrate passion and credibility, many others recognize our dedication and commitment. To them, we say thank you and welcome to the TITAN Property family!

United States
July 22, 2024

Continue to enhance the value of design and make the ideal reality affirm. 2023 TITAN Property Awards American Titan Real Estate Awards (G...

June 3, 2024

∣得獎快訊∣ 狂賀 «璞石天籟»榮獲 美國地產大獎 室內設計住宅類別 ┈ 金獎 ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ...

Hong Kong SAR
May 21, 2024

登~登~inT Design 憑藉九肚山玖瓏山嘅室內設計案例獲得 TITAN Property Awards 2024 (Interior Design) – Gold Winner 如...

United States
May 16, 2024
International Awards Associate (IAA)

Season 2 Early Bird Deadline: June 20 ➡️ thepropertyawards.com...

United States
May 15, 2024
International Awards Associate (IAA)

Congratulations to all the winners! A huge thank you to all who participated in this awards and congratulations on your marvelous achieveme...

April 16, 2024

An understated elegance that reflects inner purity; a personality that is both humble and genuine....

April 8, 2024

Alviera is honored to receive the 2024 TITAN Property Awards, as a recognition of excellence in property marketing for strategic program and...

April 5, 2024

Congratulations to BAILICHEN INTERIOR DESIGN CO., LTD. for winning two gold awards at the 2024 TITAN Property Awards for their project "Weav...

April 5, 2024

Congratulations to Yi Pin Design! Its Interior Design won two Gold Awards at the 2024 TITAN Property Awards for its project "WONDERLAND"!...

United States
April 5, 2024

Congratulations to all the winners! View the list of winners here: thepropertyawards.com/winner.php. ...

United States
December 24, 2023

We’re honored to announce that MBX recently won gold at the 2023 TITAN Property Awards. Our work for The Stack with our client Hines won t...

December 13, 2023

Do you remember the last raffle? Our Little Tree Cafe won the Titan Property Awards, Restaurants & Bars 2023 GOLD WINNER. Thank you Nanyi De...

United States
November 10, 2023
International Awards Associate (IAA)

The 2023 TITAN Property Awards Proudly Celebrates the Category Winners of the Year of Season 2!...

November 2, 2023

Continues this year’s space planning goal: don’t do more if you can’t waste it. Designing in response to market communication group...

November 1, 2023

獲獎分享 台中南屯|雙橡園 本案榮獲雙獎項 美國 2023『 TITAN Property Awards 』 金獎 得獎連結: https:/...

October 31, 2023

2023上半年交卷了. 意想不到...

October 27, 2023

Continuing the concept of a neighborhood art gallery, Moni's second-generation store, Yu Hemei, opened the first one. Unlike the first-gener...

October 12, 2023

| 設計獎項 | 榮獲 2023美國TITAN Property Awards 金獎 謝謝評審的肯定, 謝謝施工、攝影團隊的協助, 最...

October 10, 2023

BELLAVITA PILILLA WINS BIG AT TITAN! We are proud to share the honor of BellaVita Pililla being awarded the Gold Award in The TITAN Prope...

October 10, 2023

MU YUN interior design studio 幕畇設計作品 [暈_Halation ] 獲得美國TITAN Property Awards 金獎 (Interior Design - Living Spac...

October 8, 2023

|得獎快訊|美國泰坦地產獎 2023 TITAN Property Awards GOLD⁣⁣ 獲獎作品 : 荏苒 • Oatmeal Daily 非常有幸榮獲...

United States
October 6, 2023

The Early Winners of the 2023 TITAN Property Awards Season 2 have been announced! Congratulations to all the winners! A heartfelt com...

September 30, 2023

TITAN Golden Property Awards 2023 TITAN Real Estate Awards #titanpropertyawards #propertyawards #propertyawards2023...

September 23, 2023

承沐制作又得獎啦 趕緊跟大家分享好消息 實際收到2023美國TITAN Property Awards獎座實在太讓人金艷了! ...