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The designer will broaden the boundaries of living space, through the natural vision of the unlimited, as well as the pioneering art style, guide people's focus shuttle indoors and outdoors, so that every ordinary moment, like being away from the hustle and bustle of the "micro vacation". Combining the advantages of urban location and the unique hotel configuration of the project, with the inspiration of "urban vacation", we creatively combine livability and vacation sense, and close the distance between dream and reality at any time. Bring the unique cultural atmosphere of the city into the background of daily life, and realize spiritual vacation in a secluded way. The "naturalistic" aesthetic of life is cleverly integrated into the spatial scale. At the same time, in order to make the original single spatial function more practical and interesting, it increases the sense of the volume of the space and the diversity of the area, so that the experience of the residents can be more comfortable and relaxed.
Entrant Company
Guangzhou Baoxian Huahan Construction Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
Architecture - Residential High-Rise
Entrant Company
HZS Design Holding Company Limited
Architecture - Residential High-Rise
Entrant Company
Interior Design - Residential
Entrant Company
ONE-CU Interior Design Lab
Interior Design - Exhibits, Pavilions & Exhibitions