TITAN Property Gold Winner


Chase Looking

Entrant Company

XS Interior Design


Interior Design - Commercial

Client's Name

Country / Region


The project is located in a street shop in a school district, Nanping Road, Puning. This project is the third branch of CHASE LOOKING women's clothing. The two principals hope that the new brand image can bring different experience to customers. The ultimate goal of retail space design is to attract more customers into shopping. Under the original architectural structure with order, the attitude established by designers is not the so-called fashion design form, but the emotional balance of restraining imagination.

At the entrance of the clothing store, we specially seek for difference. In the same plane as the glass, we make the ultra-thin stone partial axis door, weakening the visual guidance of the traditional glass door with handle, so that consumers in the store open with a sense of mystery, and inadvertently quietly express a low-key and very ceremonial welcome.

Space is created by objects, so objects are both functional requirements and the foundation of spatial hierarchy. The forms of objects are diverse. The forms of objects in this space mainly extract elegant and free arcs and hard and sharp geometric elements.

In the whole exhibition area, light-weight ultra-thin stone, semi-permeable colored glass, texture paint and metal paint are used to intervene in the space, forming a multi-level background for garment exhibition.

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Entrant Company



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China Merchants Group

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China Railway Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. & Longfor Group Holdings Limited.

Entrant Company

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TITAN Property Gold Winner